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Environmental fate and transport investigations:
Petroleum, chemical and radiological releases

Principal Investigator
Marco Kaltofen, PhD, PE (Civil, MA), C. NSE
2 Summer Street - Suite 14, Natick, MA 01760
(508) 259-6717 | mpkaltofen@gmail.com

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Projects, Publications and Lectures

Our collaboration with Harvard
University artist Dan Borelli,
Unfriending the Atom

the whole zoo

    Environmental Fate and Transport Investigations:

  • Design, budgeting, project management and execution of scientific inquiries.
  • Fingerprinting and tracking chemical and nuclear contamination
  • Nuclear forensics : Nano-scale analysis
  • Evidence collection and dose calculation for litigation - more

    • WPI Journal : M. Kaltofen Research News - pdf version
    • Absorbed Dose Rates and Biological Consequences of Discrete Alpha-Emitting Particles Embedded in Tissue, M. Kaltofen, P. Plato, accepted May 10, 2024, J. Applied Rad. & Isotopes
    • Radioactive Microparticles Related to the Woolsey Fire in Simi Valley, CA, M. Kaltofen, A. Gundersen, M. Gundersen, accepted Sept. 27, 2021, J. Environmental Radioactivity
    • Radioactive Isotopes Measured at Olympic and Paralympic Venues in Fukushima Prefecture and Tokyo, Japan, M. Kaltofen, A. Gundersen, M. Gundersen, accepted Sept. 23, 2020, J. Environmental Engineering Science
    • Article: Radioactively-hot Dust Particles in Japan, (J. Sci. Total Env. 607-608C (2017) pp. 1065-1072)
    • Lecture: MIT Media Lab talk

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